Acadia Valley News: Wildland Firefighting

Reported by Yolanda Kuhn call or text 403-664-0582

Well, it certainly feels a lot like winter these days. We got a dump of snow on Monday, and we’ve had highs of -5 and lows of up to -19 all week! It’s the same story every year; I don’t think we’re ever mentally prepared for winter to arrive!

Repairs to the roof at St. Peter & Paul’s Church were underway last week. Thank you to everyone who donated to this project.

On October 17th, The Acadia Valley Volunteer Fire Department along with other fire departments, took part in the 1051 Wildland Firefighting course. They had nine dedicated members from their department attend. They would like to thank all the wives who helped with snacks and breakfasts, Elmer and Myrna Gregorchuk for the amazing lunches, and the East Central Training instructors. And, of course, their members for giving up their weekend to take the course.

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A reminder that Halo and The A.V. Volunteer Fire department are selling raffle tickets to fundraise for Halo. The draw date is November 18th, 2023, at the Steak & Lobster Fundraiser. Tickets are $5 each and are available for purchase at Skappak’s Farm Supply, The Store, or a local member.

The Acadia Valley Volunteer Fire Department is hosting its 2nd annual Halloween BBQ at the Firehall starting at 5:00 p.m. This year, they’re also collecting donations of gently used coats and boots for The Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter.

The Acadia Valley Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting its annual Steak & Lobster dinner and fundraiser on November 18th. Tickets are $65 each and can be purchased at the M.D. Office.

Adult drop-in Volleyball has started. It takes place on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at Warren Peers School. Contact Marie if you have any questions 403-664-8589.

Warren Peers Students Union is currently running a first aid kit fundraiser. Watch for students out and about in town with their order forms.

Yoga in The Valley with Jamie Ross has started and will run on Thursday nights at the hall from 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Messy Makers Playgroup had their Halloween party today. I was lucky enough to pop in and see all the kiddos in their costumes. The playgroup meets on Thursdays at The Hall at 10:00 a.m. They have a Facebook Group for updates.

The Cactus Gym Club’s Fall session is winding down. Sunday, November 5th will be their last class. Feel free to pop in at the Arena from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on November 4th or 5th to check it out.

We will be turning the fans on at the Arena after Gymnastics is finished and will get the ice in as soon as we can. If anyone is interested in helping coach youth drop-in shinny, give me a call at 403-664-0582.

Here’s the deal, Golden 20’s Christmas Gala hosted by The Community Club is December 9th! D.J. Steve, with tables of fun is the entertainment this year, and Kelly Skappak will be catering. Tickets are $65 each and can be purchased at Skappak’s Farm Supplies or by contacting Jena Skappak at 403-928-0021.

The Acadia Valley E.C.S. is planning on hosting its annual “Christmas in the Valley” on December 16th. Watch Facebook and The Oyen Echo for more details.

Thanks for reading this week. I will leave you with a quote from Sara Raasch. “Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake.”


St. Peter & Paul’s Church repairs underway


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