Acadia Valley News Oct 13

By Yolanda Kuhn

It’s a balmy +1 here this morning as I sit down to write the news this week. I’m sure starting to notice how short the days have become. I’m personally not looking forward to moving the clocks back in a few weeks. This one is for you Pat; did you know that there’s just 10 weeks until Christmas?! Sorry, I had to do it! I just have to say that the weather for thanksgiving weekend was amazing! We spent a lot of time in our yard last weekend just soaking in the last of these beautiful sunny days.

On Saturday, October 8th, Knights of Columbus hosted the annual Sausage Fry for the first time since 2019. The supper was well attended, they served 424 people. Hats off to The Knights, their wives, all the extra volunteers, and all the patrons who came out to support this event!

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The W.P.S. Parent Council held their annual pumpkin pie fundraiser, and it was a huge success! They sold a total of 260 pies! Thank you to everyone who supported our kiddos and helped make this fundraiser such a success.

The Acadia Valley Rec. Club hosted their annual Turkey Shoot on Sunday October 9th. It was a beautiful day and was very well attended. Thank you to all the organizers and attendees for making this event such a great success.

There will be a Bridal Shower for Jen Breum (Bride elect of Steve Heeg) on October 22nd at 3:00 p.m. at The Community Hall.

There will be a Bridal shower for Jarilee Rafa (Bride elect of Josh Wilson) on October 29th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at The Community Hall.

The A.V. Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a Halloween BBQ at the Fire Hall. Come out and grab a hot dog and a hot chocolate before you head out trick or treating. Starts at 5:00 p.m.

Mark your calendars for November 19th, The A.V. Volunteer Fire Department is hosting their annual Steak & Lobster fundraiser dinner. Tickets are available at The M.D. Office.

The Community Club will be putting on the “Mingle & Jingle” Christmas Gala on December 10th. Get your tickets early to be entered into the early bird draw. Contact Jena Skappak for more information 403-928-0021

The Seniors Club Potluck Supper Meeting will be held October 24th at 6:00 p.m. (Note the date change due to Halloween)

Thanks for reading this week, I will leave you with a quote from Albert Camus, “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower”.


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