Acadia Valley News, Feb. 17, 2021

Reported by Yolanda Kuhn call or text 403-664-0582

By the time you’re reading this we should be out of the deepfreeze! Schools were open on Friday the 12th, the students were able to attend class for one day before the family week break.

There are a few shacks out on the dam and I hear that the fish are still biting. I’ve even heard that someone caught a 2-3 pounder.

Sending get well wishes to Dan Moslamani. The A.V. Diner was closed last week and will remain closed until Dan’s health is better.

Ava Kuhn celebrated her 10th birthday at the outdoor rink with some friends on family day.

The A.V. Rec. Club is still selling 50/50’s, the next draw will be made March 1st . You can get your tickets at The Store, Skappak’s Farm Supply or from a Rec. Club Member. The Ice to Dice Fundraiser will take place online from March 1-6th. Make sure to watch The Ice to Dice Fundraiser Facebook page for updates.

Happy Anniversary to Mary and Ray Donald who celebrated their 25th on February 14th.

I just wanted to send a shout out to Halo Air Ambulance who was called out to Acadia Valley on Wednesday. Their service was incredibly fast and efficient. Our community highly depends on this service. Please continue to support them. You can donate directly at

Thanks for reading this week. I will end with a quote from Jennifer Lopez, “You get what you give”


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