Acadia Valley News, Feb. 10, 2021

Reported by Yolanda Kuhn

Balzac Billy wasn’t kidding about another 6 weeks of winter! This past week we’ve had windchills as high as -51, so far the schools have been closed all week. My kids aren’t complaining but I sure hope they can go back on Friday…Fingers crossed. Thank you to the power crews for working hard in the frigid temperatures to keep our power on. The majority of The M.D. was without power for around 3 hours on Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately the K.C. Hall suffered some damage this week. There was a power surge that kicked out the furnace, by morning it was -5 in the building, some of the pipes burst in the outside walls. By the time you read this we should be looking at highs in the minus teens and that will feel downright balmy after last week!

My family and I took a mini vacation to Kindersley last weekend. The kids enjoyed the pool at the hotel and we all enjoyed a couple nice meals in a restaurant for a change.

Some of the covid restrictions have been lifted this week in Alberta. The A.V. Diner is open for dine in now. The kids are now able to get back to dance and Hockey practices as well. Hopefully they’ll be able to play a few games and make it to dance festivals by the end of the season.

There seems to be a lot of buzz about the Yellowstone series on Prime Video… Did you know that Teren Turner (Todd & Joeleen Turner’s son) has a part in the last episode of the second season?!

The Rec. Club is still selling 50/50 tickets this month, the draw will take place at the meeting on March 1st. You can buy tickets at The Store, Skappak’s Farm Supply or through a Rec. Club member. The Ice to Dice committee has launched their online event for the week of March 1st-6th. There are lots of cool prizes and draws, you can even win a $4000 travel voucher! Watch their Facebook group for updates.

Congratulations to Josh Stolz and Presley Peacock on the birth of their Son Max Valentine Stolz born February 6th weighing 7lbs 2.8oz and 19 inches long.

Sympathy to the family of Dorothy Champagne who passed away last Tuesday at the age of 89. A memorial will be held at a later date.

Thanks for reading this week. I will end with a quote from Maya Angelou “Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud”


Book Notes, Feb. 10, 2021


The Prairie Crocus Community Fund continues to impact our community