Acadia Municipal Library: Get ready for the “Read for 15” challenge

By Tricia Fischbuch

Join us for an after-school movie on January 16t at 3:30 PM. We will be showing Balto and free juice and popcorn will be provided!

To celebrate Family Literacy Day on the 27th, we have accepted the “Read for 15” challenge which is a “community vs community challenge to crown the Most Readerly community in Alberta.”  All you have to do is read - anything - for 15 minutes on January 27 and report it to the library by end of day.  The Most Readerly community will be chosen by having the highest percentage of readers. Tell your family, tell your friends, and let’s see what our little community can do! Will we take home the trophy?

The book sale will be coming to a close on January 16. Get some deals while you still can!

Thank you to everyone who checked out the Story Walk posted at the arena over Christmas. We hope you enjoyed it!  We hope to offer more in the future.


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