Oyen events, updated December 16
Submit your upcoming event (using our web form), or email Kate Winquist at kate@yourwestcentral.com or call 306-463-2211.
Oyen Town Council meet 2nd Tuesday of every month 6:00 PM in Council Chambers.
Drop in Pickleball Mondays 7:00-9:00 PM at South Central High School
Junior League Curling (Grade 6 & up) Mondays after school. Session 1 November - mid December. Enter teams to Jerry Logan 403-664-6001.
Fun League Curling. Tuesday evenings. Enter teams to Jackie Dick 403-664-0157.
Cash League Curling. Wednesday evenings. Enter teams to Brett Peterson 403-664-8868.
Sturling League Curling. Thursday at noon. Enter teams to Jerry Logan 403-664-6001.
BCAS 2024 Happy Bucking New Year’s Eve. The Crossroads Centre. Doors open at 4:00 PM. Bulls buck at 7:00 PM. Dance to follow. Mechanical Bull Competition. Steak Supper Fundraiser $40/plate (limited). Proceeds to New Brigden Community Association. Contact 306-717-3850 or 403-664-9872 for more info.
Crafting and Socializing at the Oyen and District Seniors Rec Center (50 plus). Come and Go or stay for the day. 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Bring your own project and a bag lunch. $20 membership for the year or $5 drop in fee. Contact Cheryl Getz 403-664-8688.