Foundation of Faith and the National Prayer Breakfast
The Dominion of Canada denoted the dominion that God would have over the vast new nation of Canada, “A Mari Usque Ad Mare”—our national motto…
Has Canada's Democracy quietly been eroded away? Did we become so complacent and let it slip away? I don't think any middle-class people in Canada…
Pop 89: Crank Up the Country
“Anything but country” is a common phrase heard when a group of university students or urbanites, my friends among them, say upon heading out on a road trip…
Check It Out: What does it mean to be disadvantaged?
Reading a transcript of a recent CBC investigative report caused me to recall my childhood when we watched one channel (CBC) on a black and white television.
Are the Liberals being honest about the carbon tax, or is the carbon tax needed to keep Canada afloat? Or does it sound better that it’s being used to save the world?
Pop 89: Practicing Redemption
The word “practice” is a tricky one. In some cases, it brings relief; we are remained that we are free to make mistakes - we're just practising, after all.
Growing Through Grief: Worry
I have spent a large amount of my time in my life worrying. Before I lost Blaine I worried about my kids, my job, my health and anything and everything else.
Letter: Government treats citizens like fools
The federal government treats citizens like fools. This April Fools' Day, citizens will be fooled into paying more carbon tax to fund another bureaucracy…
Check It Out: Freedom of speech enables citizens to stand against injustice
I have no idea who penned this quote, but it’s worth sharing: “If you want to make everyone happy, don’t be a leader. Sell ice cream.”
Letter: Water Act Approval Licence
Please review the attached Water Act Approval Licence DAUT0013330. This is a Government of Alberta issued Water Act Licence to a developer giving them access and control…
Pop 89: What to Tolerate
Recently, I heard a remark about “those small towns and their ancient feuds.” The remark reinforces the notion that rural folk hold grudges…
Check It Out: The family is the future
This funny message posted on social media seemed appropriate for my topic. It said: Last night the internet stopped working so I spent a few hours with my family.
Housing is a human right
With asylum seekers dying waiting for shelter space in Mississauga and single mothers denied rental housing in Halifax, Canada’s lack of affordable housing…
Liberals deny Canadians a choice on the Carbon Tax
On April 1st, the Liberal-NDP costly coalition will raise the carbon tax by a whopping 23 percent, the next step in their plan to increase it to 170 dollars a ton.