Youngstown Comminiqué: Sympathies to family and friends

By Robert Blagen

I would like to send my sympathies out to the family and friends of former Youngstown resident, Stuart Murney of Hanna who died on December 23rd in the Hanna Hospital.

I hope everyone managed to enjoy their Christmas despite the Covid restrictions that were in place. Even though we were unable to gather with all our family and friends as is our usual routine, I have heard that their were celebrations held by most, albeit a different if more quiet one than usual. Some were virtual, some invited and entertained those single persons who were living on their own such as myself, some had a traditional turkey feast, some had Ham, while others had more non traditional celebrations with everything from a Seafood feast, Steak and Lobster, to an Appetizer spread. No matter the fair, I am sure it was an enjoyable day despite the times. Hopefully next year will be back to our normal, whatever that might be, for everyone. Maybe we will take what we learned from this year and make gathering together for the next one even better and more meaningful.

I am also saddened to report that on the morning of December 27th, Sandy Sutherland, who resided at the Oyen Extended Care passed away. I wish to extend my sympathies to her family and friends for their loss. As per Sandys wishes, there will be no funeral service.

I wish everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year! Here is hoping that 2021 turns out to be better than 2020.


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