Wild About Hanna passion connects community

By Gwen Snell

Hanna’s own Paulette Murray is “Wild about Hanna,” and she’s not afraid to turn her passion into helping others. Starting in 2016, her locally produced calendar dedicated profits to support the local Animal Shelter (now known as Harvest Sky Animal Rescue). In the years following the initial calendar, her passion has brought support to Stage Hanna, Hanna Museum, Hanna Food Bank, Ducks Unlimited and the Hanna Library.

Hanna Minor Hockey will benefit from her calendar currently being promoted. “I decided it was time to help one of the kid’s programs as well as other non-profits. As the calendar comes out at the end of the year, a winter kid’s activity seemed the best fit.” The average calendar sales have run near the 100 mark. This would provide $500 to Minor Hockey. Given that Minor Hockey is actively promoting the calendar, Murray would not be surprised to see the group surpass that amount raised.

Murray is a relative newcomer to the art of photography. Although she has some photos from back in her earlier years, it wasn’t until 2016 that she began taking a more serious view through her lens. Since then, her wildlife photography has gained considerable attention. Her Canada geese photography has been embraced by the Town of Hanna, being featured on various promotional items and gifts. This includes stationary cards and canvas prints, including a canvas print, which was presented to Wake, Japan, which is Hanna’s sister city.

Murray is intrigued by wildlife, and it was instilled early on when her family would nurse injured animals back to health. “I have always loved wildlife, but I really got interested when I was down on Three Mile Road just a few years ago and took a couple of pictures of some pelicans, cormorants and a duck. Then I saw another duck, only it was a different duck, and I realized there are other species – so I started taking photos and reading up on the species I had captured.”   

Utilizing her tagline “Wild About Hanna,” Murray provides regular posts on her social media page from her photographic forays. Seeing the diversity and life through her lens, she is hopeful that people will take note of the wildlife they see themselves and feel that awe  - of the wildlife, beauty of the landscape, including our flora and fauna.

Murray’s talents don’t stop at photography, either. Finding her “beast” of a camera getting a bit heavy, she decided to dabble in art. So, during the pandemic lockdown, she decided to take on another challenge and enrolled in some online drawing courses. Two years later, one of her pet portraits has been accepted into the Colored Pencil Hidden Treasurer magazine. She has also received several commissions for her work.

Paulette Murray has passion – for Hanna. “Wild About Hanna” is a great example of reaching out and reminding others of our unique community and area. Anyone interested in enjoying these unique “Wild About Hanna” calendars and supporting Hanna Minor Hockey can pre-order Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings with Hanna Minor Hockey at the arena or email paulettemurray@icloud.com

Other general inquiries regarding photography or commissions can email paulettemurray@icloud.com


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