Well retreat hosted in Acadia Valley by King of Wands (Chantelle Dalshaug)

Thank you to everyone that attended King of Wands Wellness + Well + Retreat at the beautiful new Community Hall in Acadia Valley on October 1st! It was such an amazing day of healing and gathering together.

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Acadia Valley local, Jamie Ross, started everyone off with Gentle Flow Yoga and later a Self Guided Massage. Chantelle Dalshaug (King of Wands Wellness) led our group with Guided Breathwork. Sacred Spiral Sound Healing Studio and Two Moons Vibration, both from Medicine Hat, put on such a relaxing sound bath with crystal bowls, gongs, chimes and instrumentals. Trena Benson of Wildflower Counselling, Lethbridge, inspired us all with her story and teachings of Living Life with Great Intention. We finished our night with a very special Drumming Ceremony led by Shauna Spirit Bear Guardian Hamelin, also located in Medicine Hat. Kelly Skappak Catering brought in a delicious Thai Peanut Buddha bowl lunch and afternoon charcuterie boards. We were very lucky to have Melissa come from Alsask with her handcrafted Herbal Twist Tea blends. Chantelle and Jasmine Jangula, of Karmicsouls888, had some beautiful market offerings available.

It was a wonderful day of slowing down, connecting with community, learning, self care and reflection. All of the facilitators would love to hear from you if there is any interest or questions about their practices. Hope to see you all again in the spring!


The Klarenbach Report, Oct 4


Vintage Horsepower Trail Ride at Big Stone