Vet Clinic provides essential service

By Joan Janzen

The Oyen Vet Clinic, located in the southwest corner of Oyen, has been providing an essential service to the community of Oyen since 1984. Luke Ruschkowski, Practice Manager, Dr. Cecilia Ruschkowski, Dr. Tracey Logan, Dr. Janelle Wilson, and Dr. Zoe Gould are dedicated to serving Oyen and the surrounding area.

Even though the clinic is in a rural setting, they treat equally as many small animals as large animals throughout the year. According to comments on social media, the staff is doing an excellent job. The staff and vets are described as personable, and a satisfied animal owner claimed it’s “truly one of the best vet clinics out there for large and small animals.”

They also open a clinic in Leader every Tuesday for small animal services and pharmacy. “We service large animals in the area via ambulatory service on all days,” Luke explained.

The Oyen clinic serves a 50-70 km radius around Oyen and an even larger area in the Leader district. “Calving season is definitely our most emergency-filled season,” Luke said. Because calving does have its complications, there have been various clinics put on by the Chinook Applied Research Association (CARA) throughout the years.

Dr. Cec Ruschkowski and John Ruschkowski helped with a ladies’ calving clinic a few years ago in an effort to help equip everyone in the family during calving season. Participants were taught basic calving principles, including bonding and tube feeding. There was even a hands-on opportunity to practice tube feeding a calf.

All of this is only gives a glimpse into everything that the clinic’s capable veterinarians offer. “Semen testing in the spring and pregnancy checking season have our clinic booked weeks in advance,” Luke noted.

Dr. Janelle Wilson shows off a new born calf.


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