Standing up for law-abiding firearms owners

New federal rules around handguns target law-abiding firearms owners instead of dangerous criminals.

The announced measures amount to a federal ban on handguns that puts a burden on law-abiding firearms owners instead of on violent criminals. New limits on magazine capacity for modern sporting rifles also target responsible firearms owners who already follow the rules rather than those misusing guns to commit crimes.

Creating a mandatory federal confiscation and compensation system to purchase arbitrarily banned firearms from owners who acquired them legally is an unnecessary and expensive overreach into personal property rights.

“Federal Bill C-21 represents a major infringement on the property rights of law-abiding Albertans. It fails to address the substantive issues at the root of violent gun crime and does not take meaningful steps to help protect Canadians. The money being spent on this misstep could be used in so many better ways that could actually help keep Albertans safe,” Said Tyler Shandro, Minister of Justice and Solicitor General.

Teri Bryant, chief firearms officer stated, “Once again, the federal government is targeting law-abiding firearms owners instead of going after the criminals who are the source of Canadians’ public safety concerns. We need to put more boots on the ground to ensure only those fit to possess a firearm responsibly are licenced and to stop the flow of illegal guns at our border. The federal approach does not reflect what Albertans want or need.”

The proposed changes will drastically alter the landscape of firearms legislation and lawful sports and target shooting without offering Albertans any increased public safety.


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