Oyen and District Seniors Meeting
Reported by Beth Symes
Thirteen seniors enjoyed a delicious potluck on October 4, 2023. The potluck was followed by the monthly meeting, which twelve members attended.
President Lynda Grudecki called the meeting to order. For the second month in a row, she was the winner of the 50/50 draw! Appreciating her luck, she donated the money back to the organization. The minutes of the September meeting were read and adopted, and the financial reports for September were presented.
Old business items were discussed. Many of these items pertained to the Seniors Hall. The new media equipment of 2 TVs, a projector and a large screen purchased with the Grant, which was designated for media equipment, had been installed during the month by Als Audio of Medicine Hat. Telus will hook the TVs up to Optic TV on October 11, 2023. Repairs to the roof of the Hall are still ongoing. A lock box has been purchased and will be set up to make access to the Hall by members easier. A motion was made in relation to the purchase of a security camera to further protect the security of the building. One Thermostat has been locked, and the second will have a lock secured.
A second group of business items pertained to the use of the Hall. Since the meeting in September, the Hall has been used at least on several occasions for Pickle Ball. Armchair Yoga is a second activity which is being offered in the Hall on Thursday in the afternoon and early evening. Individuals have been gathering in the Hall during many evenings to play pool and cards. The Monthly Fun Night on September 29 was attended by 13 people who enjoyed playing cards, pool and table games and the socializing that accompanied all the games. The next Fun Night will be on October 27. Floor Curling will begin on October 11, 2023, at 1:00 PM at the Seniors Centre and will continue on most Wednesdays for the season, which extends through the end of May. If you have been a regular floor curler, please join us Wednesday. If you would like to explore this as a new activity, please come any Wednesday. Games begin at 1:00 PM. New Rinks are drawn up each Wednesday, so beginning at any time is easy.
The Hall will be prepared for Christmas in November. On November 16, a group of seniors will gather at 2:00 PM to decorate the Hall for the Christmas Season. If this is an activity which you enjoy, please come to contribute your creative talents.
Once again, we are planning a Christmas Banquet on December 6th. The Oyen and District Seniors group will collaborate again this year with a minor hockey group who prepare and serve the turkey dinner. Various tasks for the preparation of this event were discussed at the meeting, i.e. the purchase of supplies, ticket sales, and potential entertainment. Jessie Battrum will be selling tickets for $25 per plate. She can be contacted at 403-664-2515.
Our next potluck and meeting will be held on November 1, 2023 at 6:00 PM. We are always welcoming new members to join our Oyen and District Seniors Group, so please consider joining us.