Musical Theatre Chorus Newest Venture for Stage Hanna

By Gwen Snell

Hanna’s local amateur theatre group is trying something different this fall with their Musical Theatre Chorus. Open to ages 7 to 97 years of age, this cross-generational program provides an opportunity for all ages to enjoy music in a relaxed setting.

Musical leadership for the program is being provided by Heather Skinner (Miss Heather’s Music) and Michelle Viste. The initial focus is on learning and rehearsing Christmas music - with the intent to move on to a broader selection as the group develops and grows.

PHOTOS BY GWEN SNELL, click for larger images and captions

Volunteers with Stage Hanna will be assisting with character and acting development. This will be tied closely with the musical component true Musical Theatre Chorus experience for all involved.

Stage Hanna made the decision to offer the Musical Theatre Chorus when it was determined that they would not be proceeding with a fall musical. Many in the community expressed disappointment and wanted to see something being offered locally for musical theatre enthusiasts.

If you missed the first two weeks, volunteers assure us that they are still accepting participants! Feel free to join in on Wednesdays starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Hanna First United Church.


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