Merry Christmas from New Life Church

This week, in a conversation, I told someone ‘older’ that age was relative. It’s true, but it doesn’t help this 50 year-old feel any more energetic with a 2 1/2 year-old energizer child. That said, he does bring a wonderful child’s perspective on life, fun, and even deeper - JOY. To see a child light up with big eyes and smiles, and sometimes literally shake with excitementgives rise to a deep joy in me. It may also induce a little envy wishing I could be so impressed with a moment once again that I too would shake with excitement. It seems in growing up we get cynical and/ or reserved and lose the unrestrained expressions of excitement.

Shaking, or trembling, was a common theme in the Christmas story. From the moment and messenger declared the coming birth to the mother to the birth of Jesus - her heart broke into a song of praise (Luke 1), the shepherds visited by a chorus of angels - upon seeing Jesus they couldn’t keep quiet but told everyone what they had experienced (Luke 2), and the arrival of the magi from the East who, no doubt, were overwhelmed in finding the very reason for their long journey. There were likely more moments of excited trembling than we are even told in scripture.

Jesus, a king was born. Correction - ‘The King’ was born among mankind. He would become the Saviour of the world. I was not at the manger scene obviously, but this gift to mankind has changed my life 2000 years later and continues to be the greatest joy in my life. There are moments when I have trembled at the thought of God’s love and grace. I hope the reality of it does not allude me this season. Relatively speaking, it is only the beginning of experiencing everlasting joy.

You may celebrate Christmas but stop long enough to let the joy of the Lord Jesus and the salvation He brings settle into your heart even more deeply. Tremble with excitement! We anticipate His glorious return.

Rev. Kelly Froese
New Life Church


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