LETTER: Politicians want more laws made to protect them

More Laws won’t do it alone. If they’d govern for the people and get rid of the corruption that has crept into the political system at the Federal level, I’m sure this would go a long way in making the job of a politician much safer. And remember, God is looking over your shoulder, too. Still, I doubt if we’ll ever return to the days of Ralph Kline, who was able to walk into a bar, pull up a chair to sit with the local yokels and tell a few jokes and BS over a couple of beers without needing a hundred security guards with him. In the summer BBQ season, you would find him out and about with a Shriner and probably a local MP.  MY HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED!!

Robert Blagen
Youngstown, AB


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KREW KUTS: Our record of deaths – 1964