Interacting with animals is good for the soul

By Joan Janzen

Like any typical mother, Helenka Bernard from Eston was looking for some kind of interesting activity for her children, that would get them out of the house for a while. So when Helenka found the facebook page for Cobler’s Country Cove in Gull Lake, she was excited.

“It was something for the kids to do, and it’s not that far away,” she said. So off she and her husband and two sons went on an adventure to Cobler’s Country Cove, which is set up as an elaborate petting zoo.

While they were there Helenka, who is a talented photographer, took photos, a video and got some reviews for the new business venture. “We were going there anyway,” Helenka said.

Groups of five can book an hour-long appointment at the Cove, and are given a bucket of food to feed the animals.

“Once the animals see you with the bucket, they come closer, and you can sit with the animals,” Helenka said. And there’s lots of animals to see ... alpacas, rabbits, goats, chickens, donkeys and pigs

Helenka said her boys enjoyed the alpaccas most of all. “It was good for the kids to get out, and not feel so boxed up in the house,” she said. “The kids loved it! It was so welcoming to interact with other people and animals. Afterwards, I could see how excited the boys were by the way they talked about it. Mentally, it did wonders for the kids to do something and get out, even for a small amount of time. It was worth the one and a half hour drive to get there.”

Photos by Helenka Bernard


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