Food For Thought: The US Election
By Robert Blagen
Will we ever know the truth about the US election? We know that major coverups are possible because when JFK was murdered, it was one of the biggest coverups in the US history that we know of. There are lots of conspiracy theories about the murder. Some say it was Political, and some say it had something to do with the Banking system, while others say it was the Mafia, but whatever it was, it's for sure it was one hell of a good coverup. Maybe the people involved in it that are getting closer to their own demise will come forward and let the world know who was involved in it before they die because they are all getting very old if any of them are even still alive.
The Media are trashing Trump to rile the protesters up and causing the riots, but everybody knows that this is not right. By the thousands, the people were headed to Washington to show their disdain for Biden and his Democratic Party. Now the word on the street is that the violent protestors and agitators were hired by someone to make Trump and the Republican Party look bad, and they've done a good job of it. Do you think we'll ever hear about this from the biased Media? Trump's Social Media accounts with Twitter and others have been suspended. I wonder who's paying them to do that. Trudeau has been bleating about Trump, and he probably doesn't have any of the facts. You would think a person in his position would know enough to keep his mouth shut till all the facts are known. It's amazing how a person can be tried, convicted and sentenced by the Media, Biden and Pelosi. Pelosi says Trump is unhinged. Maybe we will find that it is Pelosi that's really unhinged. One thing is for sure, Biden's win of the Presidency is forever stained. Isn't it amazing that they didn't arrest any of the Black Lives Matter protesters who tried to burn down most of the cities in America, but they want to arrest the protesters trying to show support for President Trump? You would think Pelosi would have better things to do with her time than to peruse her personal vendetta against President Trump. The Trump followers say they were trying to defend Democracy, and Biden and Pelosi and the Media call it an attack on Democracy. We know that Democracy has been eroded for a long time in Canada and the USA. I guess we'll have to wait four more years to see if we have any more or less Democracy. I wonder if Biden and Pelosi are trying to start a Civil War by impeaching the President. It might be a dangerous move in such a divided Country.