Food for Thought: The Bible

By Robert Blagen

The Bible should be made mandatory reading for all politicians! If Trudeau and Biden and the rest of the Greeny’s had ever read their Bible, they would know that God put everything on and in the Earth for our use, “Coal, Oil, Gas or Lumber”. It’s all supposed to be used, but we have brainwashed people - Greeny’s, and a senile old man trying to trying to stop us from using almost everything. Most of the young people are so brainwashed from listening to the likes of Gore and Suzuki and even little Greta Thunberg, that they think the world is doomed if we don’t keep the North Pole covered in ice. Well, it will be nice when the ice is gone from both Poles, and we get a nice even climate all over the world. I think idiots that want to control the climate with a Carbon Tax better get used to the ice melting!


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