Christmas Message from St. Olaf Lutheran Church

The first Christmas was not about Turkey, Eggnog, Presents, Holidays, Comfort or even Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire! No, the First Christmas was about God becoming man, about Jesus, the Son of God, leaving His throne in Heaven, to become a baby, born in a stinky stable and laid in a hay filled manger to begin a life on earth for one reason, to redeem and save His creation, including you and me! This is worth celebrating and worth giving thanks for!

So, as we gather together during this special season, to celebrate with family perhaps, with food likely, and with presents if you’re fortunate, may we all remember the reason our calendars revolve around the time God interrupted history by coming to earth in the flesh!

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. It was an event some of us witnessed on TV, and a day that most people are aware of even if they weren’t around yet. Many are aware of the Astronaut’s words: “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Fewer people are aware of Neil’s words, from the steps of the Jerusalem Temple, the very steps that Jesus, that God walked on. “I have to tell you, I am more excited stepping on these stones than I was stepping on the moon.” Why? Because even more impressive than man leaving the earth to walk on the moon, was God leaving heaven to walk on the earth. This is worth celebrating and giving thanks for!

May we all, even in the midst of joyfully celebrating this special season, remember that the reason for Christmas, is Easter … and the reason for the wooden manger, was the wooden Cross … and the reason for the Cross, is you and me.

May God Bless You, This Season, And Always.

Pastor Scott Kopperud
St. Olaf Lutheran Church


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