Check It Out: Why are we not allowed to discuss things in public?

By Joan Janzen

A husband and wife appeared before a judge during divorce proceedings. The judge asked, “You have three kids; how will you divide them?”

The couple stepped aside to have a long private discussion and then said, “OK, Sir. We will come next year with one more.”

Stephen LeDrew is a Toronto-based lawyer and broadcaster, who asks the question, “What is happening in our society when we cannot have a discussion about what’s going on as an affront to our liberties as a result of Covid; when we can’t even discuss ideas?”

LeDrew served as President of the Liberal Party of Canada from 1998 to 2003. Now he’s asking some serious questions in regular broadcasts.

He goes on to say, “That’s what we’re all about. That’s why we’re such a successful society. To say we can’t be critical about Covid remedies is ridiculous. It may be the end of our society.”

LeDrew offered a solution, “We need to fight back against the reactionary idea that we should just be a bunch of lemmings. Otherwise we’re going to be run by the elites and we’ll have no idea what’s going on. Maybe in Canada that’s already happening.” His words resonate with many Canadians.

As an example of censorship, LeDrew spoke of an interview he conducted with Ontario MPP Randy Hillier in November, 2020 regarding lock downs. YouTube took it down. LeDrew was told it was in violation of community standards, but he also noted this is the same YouTube that consistently allows pornographic and racist videos. “We are not being allowed to discuss things in public,” LeDrew concluded.

LeDrew repeatedly jokes that he doesn’t always dress like Don Cherry; sometimes Don Cherry dresses like him. However if you don’t allow yourself to be distracted by his insanely bushy eyebrows, accented by large framed colourful glasses, you will be pleasantly surprised by his informative broadcasts.

Jasmine Moulton of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation was one of his guests. She said, “We’re printing a lot of money right now. Canada has the largest deficit as a result of Covid in the world, at about 19 percent of GDP. In proportion to the GDP and how we can pay this money back, Canada is in the worst spot in the world. A lot of this is being financed by bonds that will eventually come due. That means one day we’ll have to pay it back through taxes or inflation. Trudeau has been spending on a lot of pet projects under the guise of Covid 19 spending. One example would be the electric vehicle subsidy. There’s no reason why Covid 19 necessitates giving hundreds of millions of dollars to make electric vehicles right now.”

Another of LeDrew’s guests was Addison Cameron-Huff, a lawyer. He said, “I don’t think anyone could fairly say they know how the Covid money was spent. Less than 25% spent has gone to individuals. The problem people should be concerned about is spending money without a plan, and spending money when people don’t know where it went.”

LeDrew dedicated a few broadcasts to the resignation of the Governor General, who was not fired but instead was allowed to resign with her full pension available. LeDrew thought the previous Governor General was a better example, as he was hard working, engaged and humble.

LeDrew observed, “It’s not an easy job, but when it’s done well it’s a terrific job. Canada invests a lot of money into it. The Prime Minister made a bad decision when he hired her. Should the next Governor General be Don Cherry?” LeDrew asked. The opinionated hockey commentator might be up to the challenge, since he’s already been fired once, from a position he successfully held for 37 years. He certainly wasn’t afraid of having a discussion, and discussion is desperately needed in Canada.

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