Check It Out: Truth can’t be hidden

By Joan Janzen

Before presenting the financial statement to his boss, the office manager asked, “Before I continue, you’re not one of those guys who blames the messenger for bad news, are you?”

Similarly, a cartoon illustrated Moses, preparing to read the Ten Commandments: “The first commandment is: Thou shalt not shoot the messenger.”

We’re hearing messages from a wide variety of sources, and everyone is using whatever platform they have to voice their opinions. Even if you don’t watch Hollywood awards ceremonies, you will have likely seen Chris Rock on that platform, doling out his unique brand of humour. You also will have witnessed Will Smith’s response of punching him in the face.

Immediate online comments validated Will Smith’s actions, since his wife suffers from an autoimmune disease that caused temporary baldness. Hollywood appears to be sending a mixed message; Chris Rock’s humour was labeled as violent, unacceptable speech, while Will Smith’s punch in the face was an acceptable, physically violent response. But don’t try to figure out the rationale; you’ll only get more confused.

Meanwhile, other Hollywood celebrities are using their status to try and stop the Coastal GasLink pipeline, in spite of the fact that it’s sixty percent complete, would help reduce emissions, and lower dependency on gas from Russia. Unfortunately, those comments made by celebrities are often uninformed and attempt to smear Canadian energy.

On the other hand, Sonya Savage, Alberta’s Minister of Energy, expressed different views during an interview on the show Full Measure. “If you don’t look at energy security, you’re going to be looking at supply from places like Russia, Iran, Venezuela, places where we know we should be weeding out those barrels, not increasing their production,” she said. Her reasoning holds a lot of common sense value, as she continued to explain that Canada has the ability to supply an additional 400,000 barrels of oil a day to our neighbours.

Savage also said, that when the greater share of oil and natural gas production comes from autocracies, the security of supply is as important as the environment. It’s an observation that holds much truth; nevertheless opinions are divided.

Division in society and discrediting of messengers are not new in our world. Many years ago a wise man astounded his peers with his wise words. As a result the government sent undercover agents who failed at trying to trap him in his speech. They even attempted to throw him off a cliff. Eventually his opponents caused his brutal death, but later discovered his grave was mysteriously empty.

Those were days of a divided society; a time when people were discredited and tortured because of what they said. Yet those words are preserved to this day, and during this season of Easter, that wise man, Jesus continues to be honoured by many people.

Although we all are entitled to our opinions, truth has a way of rising to the top and being preserved throughout history. Buddha once said, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

On that note, I hope you enjoy preparing for the upcoming Easter holiday. I hope it includes Easter egg hunts for the kids, lots of chocolate, fun, sunshine, and a blessed time with family and friends.


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