Check It Out: The relationship between toxic food, allergies and ailments

By Joan Janzen

Someone humorously wished that mosquitoes would suck fat instead of blood. Thankfully, the mosquito population has been decreasing. However, there’s an increasing amount of people of all ages being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Dr. Suneel Dhand recently spoke about this topic on social media.

The Director of Nutrition and Wellness at the American Diabetes Association issued the following advice online for those receiving such a diagnosis: Make bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, cereals, or other starchy food a part of every meal.

Dr. Dhand said the advice made him “utterly speechless.” “Is it any wonder we have exploding Type 2 diabetes when we are given this advice,” he speculated. “It’s a problem of insulin resistance and carbohydrates increase insulin levels, and their body can’t process carbohydrates. The initial diagnosis doesn’t need to be an inevitable path towards more and more medications and eventually insulin. I really hope everybody out there does their own research.”

Judging by the comments posted by people who listen to Dr. Dhand’s talk online, people have been doing their own research.

One individual said he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a year ago. His doctor prescribed metformin and advised him to base his meals around starchy carbohydrates. After doing his own research, he went on a very low carb diet and refused the prescription. As a result, he lost weight, and his blood sugar level returned back to normal. One year later, he’s managed to keep the weight off by maintaining a low-carb diet and staying away from ultra-processed foods. “My doctor can’t understand this; I’m the first and only Type 2 reversal she has had,” the man said.

Dr. Dhand continually emphasizes that a person’s health is rooted primarily in what they eat. “Every cell in our body is powered by what we eat,” he said. “A hundred years ago anyone diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes would have a greater chance of reversing it because the doctor would tell you to make changes to your diet. Whereas now it’s all about medications while the illness keeps getting worse, whether it’s Type 2 diabetes or any other inflammatory illness.”

A comment from another listener verified his words. This individual said she had lost balance in both legs, was subjected to all kinds of tests, and saw a total of twelve doctors who were all baffled. Finally the person was given a walker and placed in physical therapy twice a week with no improvement.

After doing some personal research, the individual decided to try going on a carnivore diet. After only three days she no longer needed the walker, and was able to return to work two weeks later. It’s noteworthy that during her three months of medical visits, no one had asked about the food she was consuming.

According to Dr. Dhand, food corporations have created a toxic food environment, which in turn helps pharmaceutical companies make money from people who develop chronic illnesses as a result. “Bread is statistically one of the most heavily processed foods you can buy,” Dr. Dhand said. Because bread has been a staple food for a long time, it poses a huge problem for metabolic health, causing chronic disease, heart disease and obesity.

A 70-year-old posted a comment following Dr. Dhand’s talk. He recalled his childhood when day old bread would be available at grocery stores. The next day it would be picked up and replaced with fresh loaves. The senior wrote, “Check the dates on bread in the stores now. Wonder why today’s bread lasts so much longer?”

Another interesting comment came from a woman who had recently visited Morocco where they serve bread with every meal. Even though she had a wheat allergy, she ate the bread and suffered no side effects.

When she returned home she asked her doctor about it, and was told that Morocco doesn’t allow any wheat to come into their country that is genetically modified. Not only did the woman enjoy eating the bread in Morocco but she didn’t gain weight.

France also has laws regulating what ingredients are permitted in certain types of bread, compared to bread in North America which is filled with extra sugar, seed oils and pro-inflammatory additives. Once again one of Dr. Dhand’s listeners verified this information.

He said, “I lived in France for seven years and ate bread and croissants and all that wonderful food. I was slim,” he posted. “I came back to the US and gained weight in no time. Our food is filled with corn syrup and preservatives.”

On one of his recent podcasts, Dr. Dhand took his viewers on a shopping trip to purchase healthy bread. “You want bread with the least amount of added ingredients,” he advised. He didn’t find anything without seed oils in the bread section, so he moved over to the frozen food section. There, he finally found what he was looking for: bread devoid of seed oils, sugar and pro-inflammatory ingredients.

Wishful thinking won’t cause mosquitoes to suck fat instead of blood or change our diet. Dr. Dhand advised that things will only begin to change when patients begin to speak up and advocate for their own health.


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