Check It Out: Does it make sense?

By Joan Janzen

Some things just don’t make sense. For instance, why do cartoon characters wear the same things every single episode? Why do we press harder on the remote when the batteries are dead? And last of all a Minion quote “If camera lenses are round, why are the pictures square?”

Meanwhile in Canada, we have to ask, “Why are illegal migrants continuously entering Canada without any requirements, when Prime Minister Trudeau is implementing a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the border?

A number of years ago, you may recall hearing about people crossing illegally into Canada via Roxham Rd in Quebec. Although Canadians may not have thought about it, or heard anything more on the subject, approximately one hundred Illegal migrants continue to cross that border daily.

These border crossers are not required to take a PCR test or provide proof of vaccination before crossing the border. Upon arrival they are transported, provided with housing and a lawyer, all free of charge (compliments of Canadian tax dollars). The government’s website lists hundreds of crossings which took place last year, and there are no foreseeable plans to have this come to a stop. In fact housing contracts for illegal migrants have been renewed.

The RCMP were asked about the procedure which takes place at the border crossing. When arrested, the person does not have to provide any proof or undergo a test. People claiming asylum are taken to Canada’s Border Services. The RCMP’s role is to deal with those who are entering illegally and hand them over to agents responsible for Canada’s border services.

While this is border process is ongoing, Prime Minister Trudeau announced public policy measures to bring in a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing borders. Those knowledgeable about supply chains say it’s not a good idea.

It will inevitably cause products to disappear from shelves, cause numerous shortages, and will affect the medical supply chain causing delayed surgeries. Limiting the supply of products will cause inflated prices to rise even further.

So what are the benefits? Truckers are alone in their vehicle, driving from point a to point b, where they drop off their cargo and get back in their trucks and drive away. Why is this policy being implemented at this point in time? John Campbell, from the UK posts a daily video to help viewers discern what our current circumstances look like.

He is a retired nurse educator and author of nursing textbooks, who daily reviews world wide data on the COVID 19 pandemic. His videos have been viewed more than 50 million times, providing a broad perspective. While he is careful to err on the side of caution, he is optimistic. He reviews data from across the world, providing medical information in a manner in which everyone can understand.

According to John Campbell, lots of doctors of immunology and virologists agree that the Delta variant is essentially almost gone in the UK, and is similarly happening throughout the world. It is being replaced by a less pathogenic but highly transmissible variant.

Dr. Elisabetta Groppelli, virologist at St. George’s University of London stated, “I am very optimistic.” She and many of her colleagues may be optimistic, but many Canadians are not.

Did a lack of optimism cause Prime Minister Trudeau to produce his latest policy? Will truckers pose more of a threat to safety than hundreds of illegal migrants who cross the border daily? Does it make sense to you? I’m just asking questions. Canadians are allowed to ask questions, right?

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