Alberta RCMP reminds motorists of the dangers of distracted driving
EDMONTON – Your Alberta RCMP reminds motorists of the importance of distraction-free driving. Operating a vehicle on Alberta’s roads and highways requires a motorist’s complete attention in order to be aware of other road users and reduce the risk of collision. During winter months, when road conditions can be challenging, this is especially important.
In 2024, the Alberta RCMP charged a total of 3,942 motorists with distracted driving. Remembering the following points can ensure your commute is free of distractions:
If it impairs your driving – it’s a distraction. Distracted driving is not limited to texting or talking on a handheld device while operating a vehicle — it also includes personal grooming, reading, writing, adjusting GPS or audio devices, attending to passengers or pets, and any other activity that might impair your ability to operate a vehicle safely.
Plan ahead. Before putting your vehicle in drive, prepare by pre-setting your hands-free device, GPS, radio or music.
Pull over and put it in park. If you need to text, make a call, or engage in any distracting activity, pull over where it is safe and park your vehicle. Simply stopping at a red light is not safe and is still considered distracted driving.
Distracted driving isn’t worth it. The penalty for distracted driving in Alberta is a $300 fine and three demerit points. The bigger price you pay is risking your own safety and the safety of others.
“It may seem harmless to check a text or switch a song while driving, but that second where your attention is diverted could have devastating consequences,” says Sgt. Darrin Turnbull, Alberta RCMP Traffic. “Distractions behind the wheel are never worth putting yourself, or other motorists, at risk.”
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