Acadia Valley ECS memories from 1987

According to a report in the April 10, 1987 issue of The Oyen Echo, Acadia Valley ECS visited the Oyen Echo on April 12, 1987. After touring the office and seeing how the paper is put together, they gathered around the desk for a photo. See if you recognize any of these youngsters from 26 years ago.

On desk, L-R: Landon Dalshaug, Doug McFadyen, Lacey Shubert, Krista Scheuerman, Amber Shubert. Standing in centre: Cody Colbe. Front: Justin Knapik, Kurtis Benson and Jeff Eaton. Teacher, Miss Zollner was accompanied by two mothers on the field trip which included the museum and greenhouse, as well as a The Oyen Echo. They enjoyed lunch with the Oyen ECS.


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