Acadia Municipal Library: Family Crafternoon scheduled for February 20th
By Tricia Fischbuch, Library Manager
Drop by the library on Thursday February 20th at 3PM for a Family Crafternoon! Miss Elsie will have a paper craft ready for everyone to work on.
Join us on Tuesday February 25th for an afterschool movie. This time Elemental will be showing starting at 3:30PM. Free popcorn and juice will be provided!
This is the last week to participate in the Story Walk at the arena. We are happy to hear that several have been enjoying it.
Celebrate Love Your Library Month by writing what you love about the library on a paper heart. There are currently over 40 hearts already on display and each name will be entered into a draw for a small sweet treat!
A new perpetual puzzle is ready to be solved! Come in anytime for any length of time to work on it.
Thanks to everyone who took part in the drop-in craft last week. We hope you are enjoying your new bookmarks!
This month’s featured e-resource is World Book Online which can be accessed through the library’s website, or through the TRACpac app. World Book has different levels of information available and organized for all ages of learners. This could be an especially helpful resource for students.