Acadia Municipal Library: Del Pratt's latest book

By Tricia Fischbuch
Library Manager

We are happy to announce that we now have a copy of local author Del Pratt's latest book, Hatcher's Legacy, available to borrow!  The library has his first novel, The Long Ride, available for lending as well.  Place a hold through the TRACpac app or at

Our first perpetual puzzle is almost finished!  We will be putting a new one out shortly and all are welcome to help put it together!

The book sale is now over, and we hope everyone found some good reads.  If you are still looking for something that doesn't have to be returned, check out the 'Little Free Library' located on Main Street which has just been replenished.

Another after-school movie is being planned for mid-February. Stay tuned for more details.

Warren Peers students have created solar system projects that are now on display in the library.  Come in and see what our students have assembled!

This month's featured e-Resource is PressReader which grants instant access to a variety of electronic copies of magazines and newspapers from around the world.  Find it at under the e-Resources tab.  All you need is your library card barcode and password (if you don't know yours contact the library and we will be happy to get it for you!).

Quote of the Week:  “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” - Ernest Hemingway


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