4 gift ideas for collectors

Do you have a friend or family mem­ber who enjoys collecting things? If you’re on the hunt for a personalized gift for the collector in your life, here are a few ideas that are sure to please.

1. A display unit. Opt for a model with adjustable shelves. You may also want to look for a case with glass doors to keep dust away. If your collector already has a display unit, try to find a similar one to ensure their space will have a uniform appearance.

2. A collectible. If you know what your collector is looking for, you can gift them an item to add to their collection. If your budget al­­lows, consider purchasing a rare item they can’t afford.

3. Lights. Help your loved one show­­case their collection by purchasing spotlights that can be mounted under the shelves or overtop the display unit. Con­sider purchasing dimmable or colour-changing lights for ad­ded effect.

4. An outing. Depending on what your loved one collects, you could buy them a ticket to a local show or convention that brings together people with the same passion. You could also offer to take them to a specialty store they’ve never visited to browse the goods.

To find these and other gifts for the collector in your life, visit the stores in your area.


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