2022 harvest results in above-average yields

Alberta’s crop producers continue to show resiliency despite dry growing conditions and the rising costs of farm inputs.

For more than a century, agriculture has contributed to Alberta’s economic success and identity. As global events threaten the viability of supply chains and food security, the international community is looking to Alberta to put food on tables and feed a hungry world. Alberta’s final Crop Report of the 2022 growing season indicated significantly higher yields – about 10 per cent above the five-year average.

Overall, quality for hard red spring wheat, canola and dry peas was above their five-year averages, while durum wheat and oats was lower. Quality for malt and feed barley was on par with the five-year average.

Due to favourable conditions, farmers across the province were two to three weeks ahead in harvest progress for the second straight year.

“Alberta’s producers have faced a number of challenges over the years, but through their hard work and dedication, continue to show the immense value of the agriculture sector and the contributions this industry makes to our economy and communities,” said Nate Horner, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation

Soil moisture

Soil moisture reserves declined due to dry conditions in late summer and fall. As of Oct. 11, surface soil moisture was rated as 40 per cent poor, 32 per cent fair, 27 per cent good and one per cent excellent. However, it is anticipated that soil moisture reserves and surface water supplies will build up to an acceptable level before the 2023 growing season.

Supports for producers

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation continues to provide much-needed business risk management tools to producers facing adverse conditions.

Quick facts

  • The Alberta Crop Report is developed through a partnership between Agriculture and Irrigation, Agriculture Financial Services Corporation and the Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen.

  • The Alberta Crop Reporting Program has delivered timely information on crop production since 1940.

  • As of Oct. 11, about 99 per cent of all crops have been harvested, two to three weeks ahead of the five-year average.

  • The south region had the highest yields at 18 per cent above the five-year average, followed by the Peace region, where yields were 12 per cent above the average.

  • Dryland yields for the central and northeast regions were estimated at nine and eight per cent above the five-year averages. For the Peace region, yields are estimated to be six per cent above the average.

  • About 94 per cent of hard red spring wheat and 78 per cent of durum wheat are grading in the top two grades.

  • About 34 per cent of barley is eligible for malt and 54 per cent is grading as No. 1 feed.

  • Agriculture Financial Services Corporation’s current suite of business risk management programs serves producers faced by adverse conditions, providing needed financial support.

  • The suite, which includes AgriRecovery, AgriInsurance, AgriStability and AgriInvest, is designed to respond to each producer’s unique situation and offset the financial impacts of weather-related challenges such as hail damage.

  • Agriculture and Irrigation provides online information and tools to help with on-farm business management and production issues during dry conditions and periods of business stress.


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