Grad Class of One!
Not every graduate gets 100 percent of the attention on grad day, but Taylor Kinch-Wilke did. She was the sole 2024 graduate at Altario School in Alberta, located 74 km northwest of Marengo.
The Lasting Legacy of War Amputees
On June 6, 1944, a pivotal moment unfolded as thousands of Canadian soldiers stormed Juno Beach in Normandy, in the heavily German-fortified coast of France.
SPORTS TALK: The most hated teams in sport - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
As you sit back and enjoy the drama that is the NHL playoffs, think of some of the most hated teams in sports. Here is my take at the top of the list of the boys from the Bronx.
Penton: Is it next-year country for Blue Jays?
The Major League Baseball season has just passed the quarter pole, and it might already be next-year country for the Toronto Blue Jays.
Growing Through Grief: Compassion
Lately I heard the phrase that empathy and sympathy are the near enemies of compassion. We can sometimes use these words interchangeably but in essence I have found…
Pop 89: Discovering Grace
Just before crossing the border into Michigan, we pass a billboard promising “Discoveries That Matter.” What matters to us is an encounter years in the planning…
Check It Out: Forgiveness can change the future
The T-shirt said, “It's been 'one of those days' for like 3 years now.” Sometimes it may feel that way; other times it's just 'one of those days'.
Sibbald News: Seeding operations are well under way
Seeding operations are well under way with branding also popping up. Recent rains have given new life to pastures, grass and trees.
War Amps 2024 key tags en route to Oyen
Oyen and surrounding area residents can expect to receive their 2024 War Amps key tags in the mail starting this week. Each key tag has a confidentially coded number.
A Desperately Needed Holiday
These are just a couple of headlines that speak to the outlook Canadian families face this coming summer. We are dealing with unprecedented financial strains from tax hikes…
Oyen Lodge News: Planting flowers and perennials
A huge thank you goes out to Shirley Vanstone and Bev Haag for their hard work planting flowers and perennials in the front and back yard and around the fishpond.
KREW KUTS: Piecing Together Oyen’s Past – 1924
This is a series of news items from 1924, offering glimpses of life in this community a century ago. How similar are they to events that occur now – or how different?
CFSEA to launch Lanfine Wind Community Grant
The Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta (CFSEA) will launch the Lanfine Wind Community Fund Grant on June 17. This new grant stream has been established…
Oyen Chamber of Commerce donation to Oyen Minor Ball
Oyen Minor Ball (OMB) is a well established Association in the community of Oyen. It brings in over 160 registrants to this season from the communities…
Buffalo News: Majestic Ranches sold
As most of my readers know by now, Majestic Ranches has been sold. To celebrate 55 years of the ranch, the Schonhofer family invites all friends and neighbours to an open house…
Big Country Rodeo 50/50 Winners
50/50 Winners at the Big Country Rodeo Club’s Junior/Senior High School Rodeo: Big Country Agricultural Society held a 50/50 raffle each day of the rodeo.
Viva Vitality: Connection is Prevention
If you are experiencing feelings of loneliness or social isolation, you are not alone. Globally, loneliness, isolation and lack of connection has become a public health crisis.
Oyen Kindergarten Graduation
Oyen Public School celebrated Kindergarten Graduation on May 30th.