Alberta remains open for business
Cutting red tape isn’t only a government success story – it’s about helping Albertans and businesses succeed.
Reducing red tape has been a key component of Alberta’s economic growth by supporting employment, expanding skills and training, and driving innovation and investment. For almost five years, Alberta’s government has been focused on reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens for Alberta job creators. No other province is known to work with job creators like Alberta does.
The Canadian Federation of Business (CFIB) has awarded Alberta with a grade of A on its 2024 Red Tape Report Card, the top mark among provinces for the fourth year in a row. Celebrating (left to right) were CFIB Policy Analyst Bradlee Whidden, Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely, Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Minister Dale Nally, CFIB Senior Policy Analyst Andrew Sennyah, and Grande Prairie-Wapiti MLA Ron Wiebe.
“Our approach for getting out of the way of business was to empower it. We wanted them to tell us what we could do to enhance competitiveness and drive investment in Alberta. Red tape reduction is an example of what incredible things can be achieved when government listens to and works with businesses.” — Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Thanks to the input from industry panels, almost 700 red tape reduction initiatives have been completed. Of those completed initiatives, 40 responded directly to red tape reduction ideas from Albertans, such as eliminating licence plate registration stickers.
By updating rules and improving procedures, Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction has saved Albertans and Alberta businesses $2.75 billion. Those savings mean more money kept in Albertans’ pockets and more opportunity for job creators to reinvest in and grow their business. Alberta’s government remains committed to ensuring Alberta remains the best place to live, invest and do business.
Highlighting success
The government’s focus on cutting red tape has helped Alberta businesses across all industries by lowering costs and freeing up capital to help finance other business ventures.
Recent changes to the Land Titles Act removed the requirements for handwritten signatures on selected documents that are electronically submitted to the Land Titles Office, making it easier for Albertans to submit legal documents when they are buying or selling property. Alberta’s government has also eliminated the backlog at the Land Titles Office by increasing staffing and improving processes, supporting economic growth and improving service delivery.
“We applaud the Alberta government’s dedication to reducing red tape in land registries, improving certainty and reducing costs for businesses and new homeowners. Acting on this important issue shows the government is helping communities address housing and commercial needs to accommodate the province’s growing population.” — Kyle McKinney, president, Sherwood Park and District Chamber of Commerce
On Jan. 31, changes to cannabis regulations came into effect to make it easier for businesses to operate. This will help give retailers more time to focus on their business while ensuring health, safety and security remain a top priority. A healthy legal retail market is one of Alberta’s best strategies to help combat the illegal market. These regulation updates only change how and where retailers can operate, with all restrictions around consumption remaining the same.
“The recent red tape reduction measures brought in by the Alberta government will take a bite out of the illicit market and help protect jobs. As a Calgary-headquartered company with 79 retail locations, and approximately 600 employees across the province, we welcome Alberta’s commitment to ensuring a sustainable legal cannabis sector that can continue to grow and create jobs.” — Raj Grover, president and CEO, High Tide
Red tape reduction isn’t only about helping businesses succeed, it’s also about making Alberta communities more attractive places to do business.
Legislative changes to the Municipal Government Act make it easier for residential developers to move their projects forward by establishing timelines for subdivision and development approvals in all municipalities. This change will reduce delays and ensure residential construction projects are completed on time, which is especially important as the need for more housing increases. The changes have also allowed municipalities to create intermunicipal business licences, providing more flexibility for businesses to operate across multiple municipalities. Changes to empower municipalities to establish entertainment districts mean Albertans and visitors can better support small businesses, socialize and enjoy themselves in a responsible manner.
“Our regional stakeholders have seen significant improvements in service levels through streamlining many of the municipal permitting and licensing processes. The Wood Buffalo Development Advisory Committee is proud to be a leader in reducing red tape and honoured to collaborate with the Ministry of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction to better understand the work underway at the provincial level and within other municipalities that align with the committee’s initiatives.” — Bryce Kumka, chair, and Jennifer Vardy, vice-chair, Wood Buffalo Development Advisory Committee
“As a city focused on economic vitality, we have directly benefited from the red tape reduction measures. Avoiding duplication, inspection efficiencies, empowering front-line decisions, utility connections and others are a testament to the focus of being business-responsive.” — Ken Johnston, mayor, City of Red Deer“
The intermunicipal business licence arrangement between Spruce Grove and Stony Plain is a great move towards streamlining the permit process influenced by Alberta’s red tape reduction efforts, which will help small businesses like mine.” — Carolane Santiago, owner, Urban Kitchen
Quick facts
Red tape reduction by the numbers:
$2.75 billion: Amount saved by Albertans and Alberta businesses by red tape reduction, continuing to make the province the best place in Canada to live, invest and do business.
Almost 700: Red tape reduction initiatives completed since 2019.
Seven: Number of red tape reduction bills passed since 2019, enabling legislative changes from across government.
The government continues to receive recommendations on ways to reduce red tape through regular meetings with business and industry leaders and from Albertans through a dedicated website.