Ainsley Zayac excited for hometown rodeo
By Joan Janzen
Throughout the past year, the people of Hanna have been honoured to have Hanna’s Pro Rodeo Queen, Ainsley Zayac, represent their community. “Being the Hanna Rodeo Queen has been an amazing opportunity this year,” Ainsley said. “I have connected to the community by attending local events, such as the Canada Day Celebration, Gord Bamford concert, and the Christmas Parade.”
Ainsley also had the pleasure of travelling to new places to represent the town of Hanna and the Hanna rodeo. One of the highlights for Ainsley was going to the Calgary Stampede. “Being in the parade was amazing! There were so many people, and I got a few shouts from Hanna locals!” Ainsley said.
Ainsley Zayac has enjoyed her year as Hanna Pro Rodeo Queen. Ainsley rode her horse in the Fall Fair Parade on Friday. PHOTO BY KATE WINQUIST
Another notable event she attended was the Ponoka Stampede, where she raced past the stands for the fly-by on her queen pony, Guinness. And her first time in Strathmore was a hit, where she took in the stampede, participated in the parade and visited a petting zoo.
“The job of being a rodeo queen is fairly large,” she noted. By the end of her year as Miss Rodeo Hanna, she will have travelled 5,316 kilometres within Alberta, but she said she was well aware of what she was getting into when she signed up.
“I had wanted to be a rodeo queen for a while and watched other girls on their journeys,” she explained. “I have enjoyed my time being a rodeo representative; it helps that Hanna has such an amazing queen coordinator. Jolene helps me organize what rodeos I want to go to, and if I ever need a buddy on the road, she will hop in and lend a hand. I am truly grateful to have her.”
She expressed her sincere gratitude to many people who have helped her along the way. “Charlotte and Richard Preston have opened their home to me on more than one occasion,” she explained. “Mel from Tacabree was kind enough to let me into her float during the cold Christmas parade, and Danny, the mayor, is always a friendly face.
Although she’s been honoured to visit many different events, Ainsley said she’s most excited about the Hanna Indoor Pro Rodeo. “I can’t wait to ride in the rodeo I represent and see all the people I have connected with throughout the year. Hanna is such a welcoming community, and even though I am just about finished my year, I feel like I will always be welcome here. It truly has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I can’t wait to watch the next young woman represent this town and rodeo!” Ainsley said.
Applications are now available for 2024 Miss Rodeo Hanna. Throughout the past year, Ainsley said she has gained new skills which she can use in the future. Now she is comfortable entering a room and mingling with people she has never met. “I can introduce myself and Sparkle my horse to a large crowd in five minutes flat,” she boasted.
“I encourage the young women around me to take a chance and run for the title of Miss Rodeo Hanna, as you never know where it could lead you,” she advised.
And what has Ainsley enjoyed the most as a rodeo queen? “People are what make this job special,” she said. She’s been able to meet individuals who she never would have met had she not been a rodeo queen.