Extra! Extra! Read all about it! ESC 4H Report
By Coleman Norris
The East Sounding Creek 4H Club was in the Hanna District Show and Sale on June 10 and 11. We had a fantastic show and sale! Full of hardworking competitors, competing with top showcase steers and females. Competing for bragging rights through the Hanna district, these competitors didn’t only compete for confirmation, they were also competing for showmanship and grooming.
Club Grand Champion Female. Emma Westerlund with her 2 Yr old Female and calf. Brianna Lyster - District and Club Grand Champion Steer
ESC 4H club members
ESC 4H cleaver members
District Winners
Grand Champion Steer
Brianna Lyster
District Junior Grand Showmanship
Alyssa Anderson (Heifer)
District Junior Reserve Showmanship
Warren Westerlund (Steer)
Camrie Norris (Heifer)
District Intermediate Grand Showmanship
Brandt Lyster (Steer)
District Intermediate Reserve Grooming
Doug Westerlund (Heifer)
Club Winners
Grand Champion Steer
Brianna Lyster
Reserve Grand Champion Steer
Brandt Lyster
Grand Champion Heifer
Emma Westerlund
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer
Cooper Norris
2 Yr Old Grand Champion Female
Emma Westerlund
2 Yr Old Reserve Champion Female
Danica Woods
3 Yr Old Grand Champion Female
Danica Woods
3 Yr Old Reserve Champion Female
Rhett Rude
Club Grand Champion Female
Emma Westerlund 2 yr old
Club Reserve Champion Female
Danica Woods - 3 yr old
Grand Champion Herd
Rhett Rude
Reserve Champion Herd
Danica Woods
Senior Grand Grooming and Showmanship
Danica Woods (Steer)
Danica Woods (Heifer)
Senior Reserve Grooming and Showmanship
Olivia Mundt (Steer)
Cash Norris (Heifer)
Intermediate Grand Showmanship
Brandt Lyster (Steer)
Rhett Rude (Heifer)
Intermediate Reserve Showmanship
Gauge Murray (Steer)
Emma Westerlund (Heifer)
Intermediate Grand Grooming
Rhett Rude (Steer)
Rhett Rude (Heifer)
Intermediate Reserve Grooming
Brandt Lyster (Steer)
Doug Westerlund (Heifer)
Junior Grand Showmanship
Sadie Rude (Steer)
Camrie Norris (Heifer)
Junior Reserve Showmanship
Warren Westerlund (Steer)
Alyssa Andersen (Heifer)
Junior Grand Grooming
Alyssa Andersen (Steer)
Alyssa Andersen (Heifer)
Junior Reserve Grooming
Camrie Norris (Steer)
Sadie Rude (Heifer)
On behalf of the East Sounding Creek 4H Club, I would like to thank our buyers and bidders for their generosity and support this year. Congratulations to all my club and district 4H members on your success that you have achieved this year. Every year the competition gets stronger and stronger with the show steers, females and Carcass animals. Enjoy your time this summer and good luck to all the 4H members across the province in whatever adventures come your way! This is yours truly Coleman Norris signing off until the early fall and reminding you all to “Do yourself a favour and put some beef on your plate.”