East Sounding Creek 4-H News: Elections
By Coleman Norris
This is Coleman Norris reporting live from the Canalta meeting room in Oyen, Alberta, where the East Sounding Creek 4H elections have just been held! “Out with the old and in with the new!” A completely new executive has been narrowly elected. Outgoing on his first term as President we see Mr. Cash Norris hitting the side lines, to see Miss Danica Woods win the narrow election by one vote. We also see come into office Danica’s trusty side kick the new Vice President Miss Emma Westerlund, there is nothing these two cannot accomplish. The young Mathematical Phenom Mr. Dylan Woods becomes the new treasurer, and with the club secretary position falling open, Mr. Rhett Rude with his unwavering penmanship will be taking over the secretarial duties, and of course that brings me to the new club reporter the young, the handsome, the silver tongued gentlemen Mr. Coleman Norris (yours truly).
Photo: L-R - Coleman Norris, Dylan Woods, Rhett Rude, Danica Woods, Emma Westerlund
The rest of the 37 members are all happily involved in other organized committees throughout the club keeping everyone involved. We are all excited to start our new year off with everyone picking their new steer and heifer projects. Our club will be meeting up again at the Crossroads Center on Nov 9 to weight in all our beef projects.
This is Coleman Norris saying “Do yourself a favour and put some beef on your plate.”